If you want to keep your car in reliable condition, it’s important to follow a regular maintenance schedule. These schedules are developed by vehicle manufacturers as a way to define the minimum requirements for a particular vehicle’s maintenance. Adhering to your own car’s recommended maintenance schedule can prevent hefty repair bills and save you significant money over time. Let’s take a closer look at the major benefits of regular vehicle maintenance and check out some of the services included in a typical maintenance schedule.
Preventing Problems and Saving Money
One key reason to follow a recommended maintenance schedule is to ensure that your car’s warranty remains valid. If you file a warranty claim and your maintenance history doesn’t meet the recommended minimums, your claim may be denied and you’ll have to pay for repairs out of pocket. Regular maintenance that includes tune-ups and oil changes will also keep your car running in optimal condition and improve your car’s fuel economy.
Another good incentive to keep up with your car’s recommended maintenance is to maximize the resale value of the vehicle. Be sure to keep all written proof of maintenance work and repairs performed by your local dealership or mechanic. It doesn’t matter whether you plan to sell your car to a private party or a dealership like Tenvoorde Ford: Having documentation of your vehicle’s maintenance history will increase its resale value.
Maintenance Services
Two of the most common vehicle maintenance tasks are oil changes and filter changes. Changing your car’s oil regularly will prolong the life of the engine and prevent problems down the line. Brake pads and rotors are important for your vehicle’s safe operation; these items suffer wear and tear over time and need occasional replacement. In most vehicles, coolant doesn’t need to be replaced very often; if you’re refilling the coolant yourself, be sure to bleed the system after replacing the coolant to avoid air bubbles that can impact the system’s cooling power.
Tires are another key area of regular vehicle maintenance. Checking your tire pressure and keeping your tires inflated can improve your fuel efficiency and save you money. Many gas stations have air pumps where you can top off your tires for free. You can extend the useful life of your tires by rotating them on occasion: Swapping some of the more heavily-used tires with others that are less worn allows you to get more miles out of a set. Even having your car washed is a valuable maintenance task. Keeping your car clean will help prevent corrosion on the car’s surface and maintain a great appearance.
It’s clear that following a recommended maintenance schedule for your car can head off problems, maintain your car’s value and provide valuable peace of mind. If you have a bit of experience working on your car, you can perform some basic maintenance tasks yourself; however, it’s always safer to go to a mechanic or dealership for maintenance if you have any doubt in your ability to do the job.