Summer Fun For Kids: Why You Should Be Looking At Sending Your Young’un To A Camp

With the summer holidays around the corner, it is indeed time to start your search for the best holiday activities for your kids. Abroad, the holiday season is a big deal for kids and parents and while the trend is still gathering steam in our country, it does not mean that you are completely without options. In Bangalore, there are many NGOs and organisations that work for child development that have started to organise classes and summer camps in Bangalore where your child can have a wonderful time during the holidays while learning some amazing skills.

Traditionally, summer holidays for Indian children meant trips to the joint family home and a plethora of cousins and far-removed aunts one could hardly remember. But well, with the breakdown of the joint family, those days do not come around anymore. And while the kids have their days off, moms and dads still have to go to work. You cannot keep a young kid bundled up inside a small apartment for months on end. It is a time-tested recipe for disaster! But jokes apart, summer holidays are the only time your child can learn something new. Otherwise, as he or she gets older and gets embroiled in the cycle of studies and coaching classes and extra lessons, there will be no time left for your kid to hone his extra-curricular skills. Gone are the days when a studious child with thick-rimmed glasses was all a parent wanted. Nowadays, it is very important for children to be well-developed in all areas and the best way to do so is to ensure your child makes the most of his days off from school.

The Benefits of Summer Camp

One of the best ways to keep your child active during the hot summer months is to enrol them in a summer camps. Now, different camps have different themes and activities planned but the common thread running through them all is that they teach your child how to be more self-dependent and grow as an individual. A camp for kids is like a special community where children get together to have fun and learn some unique habits and skills that will help them throughout their life. And since the setting is so informal and the skills imparted through activities and hands-on training, they are bound to be absorbed better and last longer.  Apart from a sense of discipline and various physical skills, your child is also bound to pick up important social skills like communication, being able to adjust with strangers, and conflict resolution.

The sense of adventure – staying away from home, making new friends, being totally independent – can also push a child to experiment and open up. The camps provide a safe environment and most employ trained teachers, who know the basics of child psychology and behaviour so you know that there is always expert help on hand whenever your little one needs any.

This summer, choose to send your child to a summer camp that is full of activities and new experiences and give them something to remember lifelong.

Author bio: A stay-at-home mom who is a writer by profession, she is always up for new ideas that empower and encourage children to grow – her latest obsession being the growing trend of summer camps for kids in Bangalore. You can read her articles about kid-related topics on