How To Tap Social Media To Power Your Supply Chain

Now a day’s social media acts like the heart of all the people. Because they share their experience, their enjoyable moment and let it be whatever. But in this 21st century is playing a vital role in enhancing the business strategy. Now shipment industries are utilizing the power of the Social media.

Because, when people do shopping or buy any items whether it is small or big one, they share their opinion, give comment and promote the product by discussing everything on social Medias. Due to this, companies get good reputation through internet. For these reasons, courier companies are adopting the modern technology of social media. Also customers get clear ideas about shopping, couriers, business, fashion etc. So instead of going the courierpoint you can get news by sitting in your home.

That’s why here are some great tips and procedure for implementing social media in supply

1. Hot on Subscribe Button

The major and great social networks are




And YouTube

All the above networks have many communities and groups related to different kind of business. Every community and groups have “subscribe” button. Bu clicking this button you can get every updation / news of the specific company business.

2. Take Ideas from Social Media

You should keep checking the updates of above social Medias. Because from those status / news and tweets you can get great ideas to improve your business. For example: if you are a courier supplier and doing parcel delivery to Romania or any country, then you will get ideas about how easily you can courier you parcel, what is the best way to send your goods, items that are included or excluded for delivery etc.

3. Discover Opportunities

Find out which supply chain systems would give profit from better group effort through an unstructured data channel. You can proactively check the status of sellers and prospective vendors with social network users.

4. Share Appropriate News

Update relevant and useful news like port disruptions which will be helpful for logistic companies.

. This gives consent to shippers and carriers for improved communicate transit delays to the end user.

5. Be prepared for Critical Situation

In business, rise and fall is normal. So, be prepared for down situation. Through the social media you can get back your reputation and old form of your logistic business.

6. Share your Experience

Every time you should share your experience before the people present in your business community. Cause these social media have great impact on your shipping business.

If you really wish to enhance your business status then you must and should updated and keep in touch with the social media groups and communities.