Glaucoma is a term used to describe a disease or disorder in the eye. It can cause permanent damage to the eyes and can cause loss of vision if they are left untreated. Glaucoma happens when there is an increase in fluid pressure within the eye. This happens when there is also an increase in intraocular pressure without any association to the damage of the optic nerve. Glaucoma is often termed as the silent thief of sight since it slowly takes away your sight even without you noticing it. It occurs over a long period of time and is only obvious during the advanced stages of the disease. Glaucoma is the second leading causes of blindness all over the world after cataracts. It affects around one in 200 people with the age of 50 and younger and one in 10 over the age of 80. Most African Americans are susceptible to glaucoma and is also the leading cause of blindness in such ethnicity.
The Signs and Symptoms of Glaucoma
The two main types of glaucoma are open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma are usually painless and do not have any acute attacks. Its only sign is the gradual loss of visual field vision and certain nerve changes. Meanwhile, closed-angle glaucoma are far more aggressive. Its characteristics are sudden pain, halos around lights, red eye, high intraocular pressure, nausea, and vomiting.
Causes of Glaucoma
There are no clear evidence that relates diet to glaucoma but genetics and positive family history have been known to be a risk factor for glaucoma. So, if one or more of your family has had glaucoma, you have the risk of developing it as well. East Asian decent are also more prone to angle closure glaucoma. African descendants are also three times more likely to develop open-angled glaucoma.
Treatments and Prevention
There have been known researches that has come up with viable solutions to treating glaucoma. A team the UK Stem Cell Foundation have discovered a potential treatment by using the patient’s own stem cell to generrating olfactory cells into the area of the optic nerve hence lowering the intraocular pressure. Medications are also good at alleviating glaucoma. These are prostaglandin analogs that increase the outflow of the fluid from the eye hence relieving the pressure and easing the pain of the sufferer. Aside from that, rest and eye drops usually help with the relief of glaucoma. Surgery can also correct the problem resulting to glaucoma. Laser and the conventional surgery both treat the disease. For congenital glaucoma or those that suffer the illness since birth, surgery is needed to correct any defect. Although these methods of treatment can vastly improve the signs and symptoms of the disease there is still no concrete evidence that these are the cure for glaucoma.
Scientists, researchers, and doctors are still continuing their quests to finding a viable option for glaucoma sufferers. But for now, these medications are enough to delay the visual loss of patients. Stem cells are giving solution to many unexpected problem. Now you can have stem cells treatment for infertility too. Before going for stem cell therapy try some basic medications like , buy gonal f which is considered safe medicine on infertility.