Get To Know Varicose Veins And How To Deal With Venous Insufficiency

A varicose vein is a medical condition when the blood circulation is not happening properly. Normally, one way valves work and it transmit the blood from the leg veins towards the heart. However, in this condition the vein swells up and doesn’t allow proper blood distribution.

As a result, the veins swell up, due to excess blood. This leads to the condition of varicose veins. Sometimes, you can notice smaller varicose veins on the superficial layer of the skin. These are called the spider veins.

Varicose veins are very common in women than men and affect the health in a number of ways. Most people don’t notice any problem. While others can have serious leg swelling with painful cramps, frequent blood clots and changes in skin color.

What are the risk factors?

Let us look into the risk factors in a brief way:


Since the circulation is not proper, your body is not getting enough oxygen supply. Organs in your body will age faster than the normal process. You will notice early signs of ageing such as wrinkles and calcium deficiency.

Hormone therapy

Mostly, it affects women. Therefore, hormonal changes, pregnancy and menopause can increase the varicose veins. Additionally, if you are on birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy will exaggerate the conditions. It is advised that you must take proper care and consult a professional at regular intervals.

Birth defects

Sometimes, people are born with defective valves. In this condition, it is recommended that the person should take proper medical attention.


As the circulation level in your body drops down, cholesterol and blood sugar rises. This consequently leads to obesity and weight gain. In most of these cases, individuals gain fat around their waists and thighs.

Standing and sitting for long hours

When you are standing or sitting for long hours, your blood might get clot due to inactivity. This is the reason why this condition is mostly noticed in office workers. To reduce the chances of varicose veins one must take physical exercise as a routine.

Medical Treatment:

Minimally Invasive Vein Ablation Treatment

Endovenous ablation is an effective treatment for venous insufficiency. It is done with the ultrasound. In this situation a local anaesthesia is done after that a small tin tube like structure called catheter, into the abnormal valve of the vein.

The interventional radiologist then seals it by applying radiofrequency or laser. This condition inhibits the valve to close down abnormally. The treated vein and the other veins work as a network and gives continuous supply of blood to the heart.

The other options

Surgical option is the second option, where the disturbance is removed surgically. The recovery time is longer than the vein ablation treatment and the condition can re occur at any time.

Radiology is another option which can also be taken into account. However, it is more effective for curing spider veins rather than serious vein valve disorder.


Visit for more information. You can also consult their online medical professional to get a detailed view.