3 Black Mask Recipes For Facial

The main ingredient of these masks, crumbled tablets of activated charcoal, is supplemented with other caring components to enrich the composition of the mask and make it even more useful. But if it’s wrong to apply a remedy, then it will not bring good, but harm.

How do they apply such a mask?

  • Since the coal is heavily soiled, tuck your hair under a bandage or cap, and put a towel over your shoulders.
  • The mask is applied with hands, with a special spatula (if the mass is thick) or with a broad brush on the massage lines.
  • We apply a tool from below upwards, having begun with a chin.
  • Then go to the cheeks, moving to the ears.
  • Lastly, the mixture is superimposed on the forehead. We apply from the middle of the forehead to the temples and hair.

The exposure time of masks with coal is no more than 10 minutes. Rinse with water.

Important: Do not apply a mask around the eyes, eyelids and lips – the skin on these sites is very thin and vulnerable. Before using we recommend you to check charcoal face mask review.

Activated charcoal with water

This is a simple recipe consisting of:

  • Activated charcoal – 3 tablets;
  • Mineral water – 1 tbsp. l.

Move all ingredients and apply on face. Do not allow drying on the face. Rinse with warm water and gel.

Important: Coal attracts both harmful and beneficial substances from the skin, so the masks should be caring and nourishing the skin with additional ingredients.

Activated charcoal with gelatin

Home analog of the popular “Black Mask”. Gelatin thickens the mask and, turning into a film, “pulls” the dirt from the pores. Apply for 10-15 minutes, until the film dries.

  • Powder of 2 tablets of coal;
  • Gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Liquid (broth, milk, water) – 3 tsp.

We grind the coal powder. Mix gelatin with water. We place in a microwave to warm up, for 10 minutes. We connect with the coals. We put a fat layer on the face, wait for drying and remove it from the bottom up. On the mask there will be dirt from the clogged pores and the face becomes much clearer. Keep reading http://www.heavenbeautycalamvale.com/cleansing-body-activated-carbon-weight-loss/

Important: Try not to talk and smile – there may be small wrinkles and irritation on the face.

Activated charcoal with black clay

For heavily soiled skin, you can enhance the effect and add black clay to the composition. In addition, it removes edema, improves metabolism and fills the skin with useful microelements.

  • Charcoal powder of 2 tablets;
  • Black clay – 2 tsp;
  • Gelatin – 1 tsp;
  • Water – 4 tsp.

Prepare gelatin as in the previous recipe, combine it with charcoal absorbent and black clay. We put on the face, we wait and we remove a film.

Important: Do not apply the mask to the eyebrows.