How to apply for financial assistance for a first – born baby

Financial assistance for a newborn is provided to the family of a first-born child. A first-born child is a child who is the first-born member in the family. A first-born child will be considered the child when the mother at first birth will give birth to only one child. Also as the first-born child would be considered the first adopted child, and when you adopt several children at once (twins, triplets and more) it is not considered that the family has a first-born child.

The right for use of financial assistance for a newborn has every parent, who is a citizen with permanent residence in the country where the child was born. The amount of the financial assistance for a newborn child depends from the country the family lives in. Every country has different rules and laws and some countries do not even give such an assistance.
The request for submitting the right to financial assistance for a newborn should be done with the required documentation. They must be submitted to the competent center for social work, by the age of three months of age, and an adopted child no later than three months from filing of the adopted child birth certificates

Required documentation
Every parent who wants to receive that money must admit the following documents:

1. Valid ID card from the mother – should be submitted for inspection to prove the identity, citizenship and permanent residence of the mother, and if the applicant is the father / guardian shall submit a valid identity card from the mother of the child presented to prove the constant residence of the mother, and a copy of birth certificate of the mother to prove identity and citizenship;
2. Mother booklet presented the mother with a copy of pages 3, 5 and 7 or confirmation of selected medicinal specialist in gynecology and obstetrics for birth order of the child, adopted child confirmation that the mother has no first-born child;
3. When the child is adopted child – proof of the order of adoption of the child;
4. A copy of a birth certificate for the child;
5. Valid ID card from the father – is served only for inspection to prove the identity, citizenship and permanent residence (in case when the mother is not a citizen of the country they live in, but she is married to a citizen of the country they live in).

When all the documents are filled in the correct order, there should be no reason why the parents won’t receive the money. But if the documents are not in order, it is best to hire a lawyer who will take this case into a whole other level and make it successful that will end with the parents getting exactly what they need. That I why it is advisable to hire a lawyer from the very beginning in order to avoid experiencing problems. For more information visit passi & patel lawyer.