Motivate Your Team and Increase Sales

Sales teams often feel under pressure to perform and organisations need to be aware of the levels of stress they work under. Expecting your team to perform to their optimum week after week may be what your organisation anticipates but in the real world teams need motivating and inspiring to keep them working to their highest level. Money often works as a great incentive that’s why many sales roles are commission based, however supporting your team with training, team building and other reward systems will help drive them to reach their targets.

Realise your Goals

Ensuring your sales team reach their targets also ensures your reach your organisation’s objectives and goals. Choosing the right event or venue for training, bonding and team building is essential to its success. Often greater success is achieved when events are held away from the workplace as employees will find it easier to switch out of work mode helping them gain more from the experience. Encouraging and improving the morale of your team will fire them up to perform at their optimum, to close sales and hit their targets. If they are hitting their targets then the goals and objectives of the organisation will be reached. It becomes a win-win situation for both the needs of the employee and the needs of the business.

Training should be Fun

Training sessions have to be run and sometimes the unfortunate fact is the subject matter is boring. There are ways of making it more interesting however and the more stimulating the training, the quicker your team will grasp the key information they need to know. Engagement is the vital to get the message across and for your events to successfully reinvigorate your team. You need them to leave the event ready to face any challenges that may come their way.

Getting it Right

So we’ve established the importance of getting these events right and the power generated by a great event but how do you go about it? If you have a team in-house perhaps your marketing or HR departments, which have the experience and resources to organising effective and exciting training and incentive trips then you are fortunate. If you don’t then we would advise handing the task over to a professional team. As experts in the field, they will offer you a wide range of venues and ideas that will suit your industry and objectives and you will be able to work with them to develop a bespoke event that is perfect for your needs.

The Appreciate of your Team

If your corporate team building events gain a reputation for being fun then knowing there is one to look forward to will be enough to keep your team going during the tough times. Your sales team will also appreciate that they work for an organisation that understands the importance of training and motivation as well as incentives and rewards. We all need to feel valued by the organisation we work for and often being valued comes higher on the lists of employees’ priorities than earning potential. The opportunity to walk away with some excellent memories and experiences and then talk about it to colleagues, offers some positive PR for your organisation. Not only is this good for attracting good quality personnel to the organisation but also great for business as businesses like to work with organisations with good principles and ethos. Creating a nurturing environment will also help you retain a loyal workforce and hottest sales people. So invest in your sales team and see productivity and profitability rise.