Liberal Arts Majors That Pay [INFOGRAPHIC]

Here’s some data on the average salaries or yearly incomes of some of the biggest liberal arts majors:

1. Government

Entry-level Salary: $43,200 Mid-Career Median Salary: $97,100

2. International Relations

Entry-level Salary: $41,700 Mid-Career Median Salary: $85,700

3. Advertising

Entry-level Salary: $40,000 Mid-Career Median Salary: $79,400

4. Philosophy

Entry-level Salary: $39,700 Mid-Career Median Salary: $78,300

5. Fashion Design

Entry-Level Salary: $39,400 Mid-Career Median Salary: $77,100
6. Art Majors
Depends. There are so many routes to follow if you’re an art major. Want to become a freelance photographer?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says photographers make an average of about $29,440 per year as of 2008. The lowest ten percent of all photographers earned less than $16,920. However, Simply Hired says a freelance photographer can earn an average of $40,000 as of June 2011, based on the job listings on their site.

Here’s an infographic that we thought was cool about the tools & you’ll need to start your career in freelance photography.

Presented By Focus Camera

Categorized as Education